
You can be assured that your kids will be safe with us. We utilize the KidCheck checkin system which allows us to check kids into Lifekids and to check them out of class also. We also have the ability to text each parent individually if there is an issue. (Please be sure to silence phones)



Your child will be taught by some of the best teachers. They will teach them to think, learn, and grow. We always strive to make sure every child builds a lasting relationship with Jesus in a fun and inviting atmosphere.


What to Expect

It all starts when you arrive at our front door. Our greeters will be there to help you and guide you to the correct areas. Parents you will need to register your children and check them in the first time, after that it’s a breeze to check them in and can be done by your mobile phone before arrival after their first time. After service return to LifeKids area to pick up child but be sure to bring your guardian receipt with you.